
My Mama

"Her children rise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.  Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
{Proverbs 31:28,29}

I have loved calling you Mama for the last 22 years!  I am so grateful to God for who you are, and what you do.

Being a mommy now myself, I am ever so much more in awe of your abilities as a wonderful wife and mother.  You were there for us girls day in and day out...24/7...homeschooling us from start to finish, and preparing us for what God had in store for us later in life.  I look back now and wonder how you did it all.  With the grace and wisdom you share, you have become a blessing in so many people's lives.

Now that I am "all grown up", I love just being your friend too.  Seriously, I would rather spend the day with you, than go out with any of my other dear friends.  Your counsel is sound, and your prayers are priceless.  I could never repay you for all that you have done for me.

How excited I am that my little girlie gets to have you as her Grandma as well!  What happiness!!

You are incredibly treasured and loved!

I look forward to the years and memories to come.

Happy Mother's Day, dearest Mama!

p.s.  in looking for a picture for this post, I came across this picture of you holding Ellie girl a few days after we brought her home from the hospital.  It is so precious to me to see my baby girl in your arms.  I cannot believe how the time has gone.  Just look at how tiny she was!  {grin}

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Thank you, Kacey, for the sweet and dear post. I love being your mother. And I, too, consider you my dear friend.

Happy Mother's Day to you as well. What a privilege it is to be able to say that.

Mom (on Ashley's computer. . . mine still hasn't been unpacked!)