{per usual I am a few days late with Hudson's monthly post// bad,bad mommy}
dear baby boy,
so, you are four months old now...
funny how it seems like you have been a part of our family forever
not simply the four months that we have gotten to know you
you have made so many milestones this month
what a conversationalist you are!
cooing and gooing at length and sometimes with all your little might
(probably should save those times for when we aren't in church, buddy {grin} )
you so enjoy being around people and are happiest and most content when you are right in the middle of everything...watching and giggling
yes, you ADORE your sister...she can make you smile anytime she comes close and says, "hi" in her sweet little falsetto she reserves just for you
{this is you talking to your cow, you sweet funny bunny}
milestones// you now hold your head up completely and steadily on your own
milestones// you now hold your head up completely and steadily on your own
you still love sleeping on your little tummy, and have graduated to three consistent naps a day with sometimes a fourth squeezed in if needed
what else, hmmm....
you laugh...yes, open-mouth laugh and it is adorable!
saturday night you rolled over completely for the first time (tummy-to-back), and then you proceeded to do it again just to prove you really did it on purpose {smile}
sunday, you rolled from your back to your tummy...you liked going that way much better
tummy time is your favorite

oh, my, are you chubby!!!
you are already in mostly 6-12 month clothing
I am constantly putting away things that just don't fit you anymore
don't worry, sweets, mommy loves her chunky boy
you manage to squirm and move yourself all over the place...I don't know how you do it, but you end up somewhere completely different than I set you
mommy has to be very watchful of you now!
we read books with sissy and you listen and touch the pages...so cute
you talk with your toes just like you sister does
{a person would have to see it to understand :) }
{a person would have to see it to understand :) }
you reach for things now, and happily grab onto anything I put into your little fists
anything that goes into your hands goes right to your lips
your blankie is your cozy, happy thing
your blankie is your cozy, happy thing
we take it everywhere with us
1 comment:
So adorable! He's growing so big. Loveya little fellow!
Auntie Anna <3
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