"Let the heart of those who seek the LORD be glad." Psalm 105:3b
Does seeking the LORD = gladness of heart? Is it possible that in those times of great unrest, our eyes are not on the LORD? Is there a gladness that can only be found for those who seek after the LORD? I've been mulling this over all day. I'm still mulling.
The rest of the day was spent enjoying the sun. Kacey, Ellie, Ashley, and I strolled main street Kalispell. Yes, the sun was out but I must note . . . I was still wearing my WINTER jacket. Sans the scarf, mittens, and long underwear. Just wanting to make sure you get a clear picture, you know. It was COLD! We had burgers for lunch and stopped in a few little shops. Very, very nice. Then it was back to our place for coffee and treats. And then the sunshine left . . . that would be Kacey and Ellie!!!!!!! They sure do put a smile on my face.
In other news, Steve has been very busy here at the house. In fact, today he went and bought a chain saw. I will get to that in a minute. When we bought this house, it had some very unique lighting styles. We have slowly been changing that unique style. One change was the lights over the kitchen sink. Man, I wish I had the before pictures for you. And maybe the afters are not to your liking either but they work for me. Steve converted what was there to these Edison looking lights. I like his work. Thank you, Steve.

Now back to Steve's purchase today. The chainsaw. Do you see all these trees on the side of our house? They are no more. Very, very sad news for Ashley and I. But, their roots are not good for the foundation of this house nor the plumbing. Well, OK, then. But still very, very sad.

Steve has also put up some chimney caps. You see, we had a critter (we will call him Mr. Squirrel) fall into the opening. I will say that the smells coming out of the fireplace were anything but pleasant. Our dear son-in-law, Jay, did the removal job while we were home in San Diego. Thank you so very much, Jay! He was being cheered on by his lovely assistant, Kacey! And, so that we never have to accomplish that gross task again, Steve put on a lovely chimney cap. Thank you, Steve.
These pictures were taken by a cell phone. That is why they are so fuzzy. Hopefully they help you get an idea of our activities.
Oh boy, I wonder what Saturday will bring. Gladness of heart? I hope that is what I choose.
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